
Birth of PUKA 
Our 3rd girl was born in the year 2014!
She ended up being a Virginia baby. We moved here when I was 20 weeks pregnant. We didn't know what we were having yet and was super excited to find out!
I was really hoping to find a midwife center here but its so hard not knowing anything and being new. So I ended up going to a clinic in the hospital who had 7 doctors there. You had to meet each one of them during your pregnancy because any of them could be your doctor at that time of labor. Are you serious? I was 22 weeks along when I ended up getting a doctor appointment set up. And not to mention that having 7 doctors is a little ridiculous. How are you to even build a relationship with the doctor who is going to possibly be delivering your baby. Not to mention only 1 doctor at a time is actually in the office and if there called away while you have an appointment, no one seemed it was appropriate to let you know and they make you sit for as long as he/she is gone in the room with the door shut.  Then they had the nerve to "write me a warning" due to me getting up an hour later and walking out with out being seen. I had had it with them. I got back on the computer at home and hunted down a midwife clinic that was not super far from where I lived. And I was so pleased I had found one! So fast forward now. I am 40 weeks pregnant and still no baby girl. I got to pick her name and the hubby wouldn't tell me the middle name until she was here! It was cute. :)
So I waited for another week and still no abby girl.  41 weeks and 3 days roll around, August 25th and it is now 6 am. The hubby and I are checking in at the hospital as I have done with every birth and am scheduled for an induction. This is our last pregnancy and this time around I had told him I wanted to experience a natural birth. 

Birth of J

Our 2nd baby girl was born in the year 2012!
I also was induced at 40 weeks. This time around I ended up having the epidural at 7cm dilated. And pretty much once the epidural kicked in and the nurse and hubby got me situated it was time to push!
I got to have my midwife Shelley once again for my whole pregnancy. 
J was born at 7:41 am and before anyone could arrive at the hospital to visit :).
She weighed in at 8lbs 2 oz and 20 inches in length. 
Happy birthday to our 2nd beautiful daughter!

Our Hawaiian Wedding
October 9th 2011 is when it happened. My family and intermediate family all made a plan to go to Hawaii for vacation. The boyfriend at the time and I talked and we thought how awesome it would be to get married while over there on the beach. We didn't care if the whole family or friends weren't going to be there. And you may think that is a little selfish, but were marrying each other and doing this for us so thats what matters.
So one week before we were leaving for our vacation, were sitting on the couch filling out the marriage paperwork and he just grabs my left hand and slides the ring on! So simple and perfect if you ask me. Thats all I need. And of course I said yes. :)
Our only child at the time, our beautiful 10 month old was all dolled up and apart of our wedding! It was such a special day!

Birth of K- bug

Our 1st baby girl was born in the year 2010!
I was induced with her at 40 weeks My labor from the start was only 8 hours and I received an epidural at 2cm. I had a wonderful midwife whose name was Shelley. And we had a great pregnancy through the whole term. When it was about 10 minutes before pushing K-bug ( these are their nicknames) decided she wanted to flip. I was put on oxygen for a little while because she wasn't getting enough. When it was time to push I pushed for 20 minutes and she was born at 12:31 pm weighing in at 8lbs 20 inches long! She came out with her cord around her throat and not breathing. they called NICU in right away. I laid their not knowing what was going to happen and just waiting to hear her cry. it took a good 20 minutes and FINALLY we heard the sweet sound of baby K-bug crying!It was such a sweet sound! Welcome to the world sweet baby girl! Mommy and daddy love you.


Here on the left is me at wee 22. And here was towards my final days of pregnancy on the right. I had a HUGE belly ;). 

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